Hi Everyone!

In our last session the group made it to Absalom, the City at the Center of the World. During the group's entry to the city I gave a brief description of the city, its history and population I've captured that information for you all below.


Absalom is a sprawling metropolis at the southern tip of the starstone isles. It is home to approximately 300,000 inhabitants (62% human, 11% halfling, 8% half-elf, 7% gnome, 5% dwarf, 2% elf, 1% goblin, 1% half-orc, 3% other). Its founding, 1 AR (Aroden's Rising) is the basis for the calendar system used by almost all cultures in the hemisphere.


For those who have never before been to Absalom it is truely a sight to behold, it is surrounded by 4 relatively large suburbs just outside a massive wall encompassing the city's interior. The inner city itself is broken into 11 recognized districts:

District Description
Ascendant Court The heart of the city, home to the Starstone Cathedral.
The Coins A bustling mercantile quarter that hosts an almost-endless array of shops, wares, and independent traders.
The Docks Absalom's port of entry and a hub for international trade and immigration.
Eastgate A quiet residential district, with some notable landmarks among its streets.
Foreign Quarter Home to immigrants the world over, an attraction for other Absalomians to attend cross-cultural events and training.
Ivy District Absalom's old arts district known for flowering trees and gorgeous homes.
Petal District The grandest homes of Absalom’s rich and powerful line the stately streets of the Petal District.
Precipice Quarter One one of Absalom's most vibrant and beautiful districts, now mostly rubble caused by an earthquake 2 decades prior.
The Puddles Absalom's poorest district named for its propensity for flooding. Many streets are now nearly-constantly submerged.
Westgate Home to Absalom's best-established non-noble families, and home to the Absalom garrison.
Wise Quarter Absalom's academic district. Soaring towers, countless libraries, schools, and museums.


Absalom was founded nearly 5 thousand years ago when an Azlanti human Aroden brought with him from the depths of the ocean, the starstone a powerful and ancient artifact now the focal point of Absalom's Ascendant District.

The Stars one is kept in the Stars one Cathedral surrounded by a deadly maze. However, for those few who manage to complete the Test of the Starstone, and reach it at the maze's center, will be rewarded with immortality and godhood.

Despite hundreds of hopefuls attempting to reach it each year, since it was placed in the Cathedral, only 3 mortals have reached it and ascended into godhood.


The first to pass the Test was Norgorber the god of thievery, assassination, and secrets. He passed the test almost 2 thousand years after Aroden ascended, but is known of his life before ascension, a fact he worked hard to ensure.

Due to his history with the city worship of Norgorber in Absalom is somewhat accepted with followers being allowed to have public places of worship. This is not the case with most of the rest of the world.

Cayden Cailean

Also called the Accidental God, Cayden completed the Test of the Starstone in a drunken dare almost a thousand years after Norgorber. He is the patron deity of freedom, ale, wine and bravery.


Another thousand years passed and Iomedae, the final mortal to ascend to godhood through the stone passed the trial. Upon her arrival in the pantheon, she became Aroden's Herald.


The Failed

Most however, do not pass the test, and instead die in the halls of the maze joining the countless ranks of The Failed. Even in death they are still remembered at Absalom's Shrine of the Failed where each individual is given a space of honor.

Some however manage to neither reach the Starstone, nor die and instead escape returning with great riches.