
Revenant followers of Alastonal follow the teachings of Saint Ethana the Prophet. Saint Ethana was a priest of Alastonal whose church burned down with her inside it. She emerged unscathed and thereafter was changed. She was reborn as a prophet who challenged the church’s emphasis of law and its moral neutrality. She argued that the venerable phrase "Alastonal's light falls on the sinner and the saint alike," meant not that the church should not take a stand in issues of morality (as the church has interpreted it for many years), but that the phrase meant that Alastonal’s followers should bring help and healing without regard to whether the person followed Alastonal or deserved his help.She emphasized that redemption is always possible and that it is central to Alastonal. “Each of us can be reborn, just as Alastonal is reborn each dawn.” Fire likewise is central to rebirth, as it is Alastonal’s gift of fire that allows the world to be reborn, one piece at a time over and over again.

The largest number of followers of the teachings of Saint Ethana are in The Ruskland, owed in large part to the conversion of Count Baladar by Ethana herself 50 years ago. Revenant Alastonal is now the most frequently venerated god in the Ruskland, but is often looked upon with distrust or outright hostility elsewhere.


Agriculture, Fire, Good, Harvest, Healing, Life, Light, Rebirth, Spring, Sun


Good, Fire, Sun, Healing, Purity


The power of Alastonal’s followers is strongest when he is overhead and weakest when he is absent in the night sky. Spells cast by clerics of Alastonal during the day time are affected by a lesser version of empower spell. They are 125% of their normal effect. Spells cast during the night are weakened and only achieve 75% of their normal effect. Similarly, spells cast during the hour of high noon are maximized (though this does not stack with the normal daytime effects). Spells cast during the witching hour are minimized (an effect opposite that of maximize spell). Alastonal’s power also wanes more significantly when he is eclipsed by one of the moon deities.