Born into a clan of warriors known as the Valkyrie, Eberus Benton was trained in combat from a young age, tough love was all he knew. As he grew, Eberus showed combat prowess and cunning beyond his years, and was marked for greatness by the Valkyrie Clan. Much was expected of young Eberus, and leadership he never aspired to was thrust upon him at the tender age of fourteen. Held to a strict standard of valor, sobriety, and chastity by the elders of the Valkyrie clan, Eberus found himself longing for more than the Valkyrie clan would offer him. In his view, his one life would be better spent holding himself to the code he held in his heart.

At his coming of age ceremony, Eberus was gifted a weapon by elder Jemayus, the Valkyrie most involved in his cruel rearing. In exchange for an oath of life service to the Valkyrie, Jemayus granted Eberus his magical spear, the weapon of choice of the Valkyrie clan. While Eberus accepted this gift graciously, he was loathe to the idea of spending his life in service to the Valkyrie and those responsible for his tortured youth. Under cover of darkness that night, Eberus deserted the Valkyrie, bringing with him the spear of Jemayus. He longed for a life he chose, not one that was thrust upon him. His path led to the city of Ruskport, where he found work in the armies stationed there. No longer bound to the strict code of the Valkyrie, Eberus enjoyed the freedom and independence he so craved.

Freed from the weight of the strict creed of the Valkyrie, Eberus now was faced with a new oppressor, his heritage. A man of the northern reaches, Eberus had not expected the vitriol and abject hatred he received from the men of the south. As he steeled himself against it, his view of the Southerners, particularly the elves, soured. He already carried the weight of his desertion and theft everywhere he went, and now this compounded it. Only his spear could ensure their silence, and Eberus's memories of Jemayus drive its cruel purpose.