Campaign Rules
I am planning for the campaign to be run in D&D 3.5, but if someone wants their class to resemble the Pathfinder version, that is probably fine.
Alternate Armor Rules
- Armor applies its Armor Bonus as AC and additionally as Damage Reduction
- A strength bonus on an attack equal to the Armor bonus is required to penetrate past the damage reduction
Certain attack types can ignore the damage reduction depending on the armor
- Heavy Crossbows and muskets ignore all DR
Attacks that get passed the armor will roll a die to determine where on the body they hit
Attacks that hit an area with armor and do more than the armor’s AC bonus in damage create a weak spot in the armor
- Weak spots can be repaired with a craft armor check
Attackers can aim for weak spots in the armor, or for unarmored areas by using an equation of
- AC = the size modifier for appropriate for the spot + Armor AC for the spot + Dex + Shield + Deflection + Natural Armor
- Critical hits can create weak spots
Alternative Damage Rules
Full Function Threshold
1/4 of HP dealt to any one limb leads to impairment
- -10 ft to Movement Speed
- -1 Dex bonus
- 1/2 Strength bonus with that arm (round up; minimum loss of -1)
- -2 on attack rolls with weapons requiring two hands to use
Use threshold
1/2 of HP dealt to any one limb leads to no function of that limb
- Leg: Able to stand but movement speed drops to 5 ft
- Arm: Arm can be used to hold relatively light things but nothing else
Skill Checks and Attack Rolls
Maintaining secrecy of DC’s and mystery of success or failure whilst maintaining the ability for players to roll their own checks
- Players roll their own attack rolls and skill checks as they have always done under house rules
- DM rolls another d12 die in secret
- Upon a max roll of the secret die, the player gets a +5 to whatever result they achieve
- Upon a min roll of the secret die, the player gets a -5 to whatever result they
Destiny Points
- 10 per session, each point can be used to boost the natural roll of a die by 1. For example, a 15 can be turned to a 20 by spending 5 such destiny points.
Character Creation
You all will start at level 3 and may roll as high powered characters (5D6 subtracting the 2 lowes+. You have magic items totalling a +3 bonus, 5 masterwork items, and 6d6 + 1d20 x 10 starting gold. An additional special magic item is available to you whenever you complete your back story. That item will be a relic and will draw its power from you. As you advance in level, it too will become more powerful. The campaign additionally does not use the traditional D&D pantheon, so talk to me about what deities you want to follow.
Character Flaws
You may also select a character flaw which will haunts your character and limit their effectiveness in some aspect of life, and in exchange you will get to choose a benefit. The flaw must actually limit the character in a meaningful way (an aversion to using a particular kind of weapon or a debilitating fear of earthquakes for example are not limiting enough to qualif+. You must incorporate the flaw into their character's backstory to some degree. Some flaws will require more explanation than others and are encouraged, but not required to incorporate their chosen benefit into this story as well. If you select a character flaw then you may select at 1st level any of the following:
- An additional feat
- An additional 1st level spell known/per day
- To have all items which the character could afford at 1st level gain the masterwork quality without paying the additional costs
- 1 additional use of a special ability per day/week
- +1 Base Attack Bonus (BAB may not exceed ECL, however)
Examples of flaws
Debilitating Fear of…
Monster, monster type, or category of monster (depending on the rarity of the monster/type/category)
- Dragons
- Vermin
- Incorporeal undead
- Orcs
- Ogres
Natural phenomenon
- Fire
- Ice
- Water
- Storms
Common fears
- Heights
- Claustrophobia
- Character is frequently drunk/high/indulging their addiction
- Will suffer withdrawals if addiction is not fed resulting in negatives
- Will compulsively spend whatever is necessary to feed their addiction
- If they see others engaging in their vice they must succeed on a Will Save (DC = number of hours since they indulged in their addiction) or compulsively join in
- Alcoholism
- Drug Addiction
- Gambling Addiction
- Kleptomania :: Must also accept the Wanted or Infamous Flaw
Wanted or Infamous
- Character cannot be in public in a significant portion of the world without risking
Uncontrollable Hatred
- The character has an uncontrollable hatred for a group/class of people/monsters
- The character will drop anything they are doing and attack their hated group on sight unless restrained
- If given a reason not to give in to their rage they may make a Will Save to regain
Corruption or Depravity
- Select one or two of the Corruption and/or Depravity effects from Heroes of Horror pages 63-66
That is not an exhaustive list and I’m willing to work with you on what flaw you select.